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Sustainability can be made possible by encouraging behavioral change amongst people.

30% of the world’s greenhouse gases are produced by buildings with just their daily activity. In addition, 20% of the emission comes from transportation, with just buildings and transportation it will add up to be 50%.

These areas are largely affected by people’s daily activities.

People have the goal of arriving at their designated buildings in which we will call a “dot” and to achieve that goal, people will use transportation, here we will call a “line”. People go through their day “connecting lines between the dots”.

Until now, the ESG activities for the real estate industry have been self-contained by real estate owners and managers. However, the alone effort by the real estate owner can never overpower the unified efficiency of the tenant’s actions. In order to accomplish bigger sustainable changes in society, it is essential to provide change to people’s behavior and actions.

EaSyGo provides real estate owners and managers an appropriate tool in order for individuals to have a change in sustainable action, through the field of “buildings”. This service allows the “dots” and the “lines” to intertwine into an opportunity for a groundbreaking sustainable change that is made possible due to the infrastructure.

For individuals to unconsciously follow sustainable change, EaSyGo will provide the real estate users motives, measures, evaluations, and compathy. All on a personalized level for sustainable actions to be made possible. 

Sustainability spreads from individuals to communities, communities to towns, and from towns to cities.