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EaSyGo ESG in Real Estate

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The 'S' in ESG Takes Center Stage in 2024 2024/1
GRESB Announces Partnership with IWBI
EaSyGo Paired with Developer Giant Mitsubishi Estate for Be Smart Tokyo Project 2023/12
EaSyGo and Mitsubishi Estate Selected for Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Be Smart Tokyo
Gaming Celebrity Joins EaSyGo to Promote Captivating Experience 2023/12
Former Fortnite Community Manager Shota Imai as an advisor to EaSyGo
Spread Love from Landlord to Tenant: Giving December is Here 2023/12
Join us in supporting the nationwide giving initiative, Giving December.
Introducing Impac-PON: Coupon for Impact 2023/08
GOYOH launched the new tenant incentive ecosystem linked to social and environmental impact.
Shinjuku Park Tower Installs Real Estate ESG Service EaSyGo 2023/08
An initiative to increase the "social impact of real estate" through collaboration with tenant workers.
Changing Human Behavior with Science and Technology 2023/07
KDX Toyosu Grandsquare Conducts Nudge x Digital Experiment for Decarbonization in Office Spaces
Recap of CRREM Japan Event on July 10th 2023/07
Recap of CRREM Japan Event on July 10th - NBIM, OCBC, Nuveen Joined as Speakers; EaSyGo Announces New ESG Service - EnerSyGo
New service to access whole electricity usage data of multi family residential building in Japan 2023/07
The first-in-Japan energy measurement service for residential assets can help owners track the whole building electricity usage, including the tenant area
ESG Interview with Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) by EaSyGo 202304
We are delighted to announce that an English version of the ESG real estate interview with Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) is now available from our EaSyGo's latest ESG real estate article featured in Property Management Magazine
GOYOH and Shimizu Corporation Announced a New Joint ESG Solution for Built Environment 202302
GOYOH and Shimizu Corporation Announced a New Joint ESG Solution for Built Environment through the SHIMZ NEXT Program at the City-Tech.Tokyo Expo
AXA REIM Japan's Residential Brand "La Douceur" Introduced Tailored ESG Engagement Services for Residential Assets
ResiGo Launched Tailored ESG Engagement Services for AXA REIM Japan's Residential Brand "La Douceur". ResiGo - The Specialized ESG Improvement/Tenant Engagement Service for multifamily residential assets and portfolios
EaSyGo Behavior Change Program for Decarbonization 2022/11
EaSyGo together with Jyukankyo Research Institute and Kenedix Group has developed a new ESG initiative of “Behavior Change Program for Decarbonization in Office Space”, supported by the Ministry of the Environment, to promote further decarbonization in real estate.
EaSyGo REAL IMPACTs 2022/10
EaSyGo to Launch the New Service of "EaSyGo REAL IMPACTs" to Help Users to Analyze and Enhance their Social Impacts in Real Estate
EaSyGo Service Announcements 2022/09
EaSyGo Launching Exclusive New ESG Services for Residential Assets EnerSyGo - Electricity Usage Measurement Service for Tenant Occupied Areas of multi-family residential in Japan ResiGo - ESG Improvement/Tenant Engagement Service for multi-family residential
EaSyGo Selected for Accelerator Programs 2022/08
EaSyGo Selected for the Global Real Estate ESG Program - "A Journey to Deep Green" Sponsored by Undivided Ventures to Work with Global Real Estate ESG Leaders and Fund Managers
EaSyGo Service Announcements 2022/05
EaSyGo Launching ESG Services at River City 21 East Towers, a High-end Large Scale Residential Community in Tokyo
EaSyGo Selected for Accelerator Programs 2021/12
EaSyGo has been selected in the Mitsubishi Corporation Accelerator Program - Focusing on Creation of New Value and Implementing Innovation in Real Estate Sustainability
EaSyGo Service Announcements 2021/11
EaSyGo Launching ESG Services at KDX Toyosu Grand Square, a Prime Large Scale Office Asset in Tokyo
EaSyGo Service Announcements 2021/11
EaSyGo Launching ESG Services for Large Scale High-end Residential Apartment Managed by AXA REIM Japan
Digital Garage Next Context Conference Tokyo 2021/08
C.E.O Yukihiko ITO Presented at the NCC Together with Great Speakers including Minister Koizumi, and Global Business Leaders - Sharing EaSyGo Vision on ESG PropTech and Opportunities in Sustainable Real Estate
IREI APAC edition 2021/02
C.E.O Yukihiko ITO's article "ESG and climate initiatives take on growing importance in Japan’s capital and property markets"
Property Management Magazine 2021/3
CEO Ito's interview article with Interview with Lendlease Andrew Gouch - "Sustainability is essential for our "DNA" ESG investment Management" cle was posted
Property Management Magazine 2021/3
Interview with Asterisk CEO Yukihiko ITO - “ESG investment can be evaluated quantitatively”
Hospitality Asia Webinar 2020/09
C.E.O Yukihiko ITO joined as a panelist on “Financing Sustainability”
PR TIMES Release 2020/06
ESG Real Estate Technology Service: EaSyGo - Implementing Soft-ESG and improving real estate values
Property Management Magazine 2019/06
The World’s ESG Real Estates: Specific Financial Effects on rent income, asset value, and evaluation from ESG investment
Property Management Magazine 2018/02
Why are luxury hotels with a strong business performance focus on “sustainability” and “ESG”?

The ESG in Real Estate Column

ESG Tech

The Future with Real Estate ESG Technology ⑥ The Reality for Real Estate Positive Impact Investment

Japan’s GPIF (Government Pension Investment Fund) is the world’s largest…
ESG Tech

The Future with Real Estate ESG Technology ⑤ “Urban Development and Regional Revitalization Based on the Values of Sustainability”

Due to covid-19, people are experiencing a drastic change in…
ESG Tech

The Future with Real Estate ESG Technology ④ “The Value of Sustainability and the Common ‘Measurements'”

Nowadays, the term “sustainable” has been used more commonly commercially,…